A blog about learning C and C++

How do we start learning about C++ classes?

January 14, 2025, by Slobodan Dmitrovic

When starting with classes in C++, learn about the following topics first:

  • Data members
  • Member functions
  • An instance of a class
  • Visibility specifiers
  • Constructors
  • Member initializer lists
  • Destructors

Advanced OOP topics in C++

After we have learned about the basics of classes in C++, we can proceed to more complex topics:

  • Copy and move semantics in C++
  • Operator overloading
  • Inheritance
  • Virtual and overridden member functions
  • Polymorphism
  • Interfaces
Learning C++, C++ classes

The pillars of object-oriented programming in C++ are classes, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

Introduction to classes - training video

Our "Introduction to Classes" training video explains the class definition, members and objects of a class. This video is part of our "Introduction to C++" video training course.

We dedicate the entire day to explaining classes and OOP concepts in our training. For more info, contact us at contact@cppsrc.com.

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